Janet Jackson converts to Islam
Singer Janet Jackson had a widely celebrated wedding to billionaire Wissam Al Mana just a few months ago. You might have heard that the wedding cost millions of dollars, and since that time, Janet hasn’t done any acting or released any music. It has since been reported that Janet has moved to the Middle East…
Malik AL-Shabbaz – The Malcolm X
Malcolm X’s influence in the world is much greater today than during his lifetime Malik Al-Shabazz Malcolm changed his name to Malik Al-Shabazz after leaving the Nation of Islam movement and embracing mainstream Islam, following his Hajj pilgrimage. After serving as a senior member of the Nation, he fell out with the movement’s leader, Elijah…
Spotted in Cairo: Revealing Women’s Clothing Store Mannequins
The Islamic stipulation for women to dress modestly and “cover their jewels” does not apply to the garish and sometimes freakishly human mannequins on display in the shop windows of downtown Cairo. As protests and counter protests continue over Egypt’s draft constitution, which goes to national referendum December 15, it’s tempting to see parts of…
Voices from behind the veil
For local Muslim women who choose to cover themselves fully, daily life means being the target of suspicion — but also sympathy By Steve Hendrix Safiyyah Abdullah glided through the produce aisle of the Gaithersburg Giant Wednesday, oblivious to the glances that followed her. She no longer thinks about the startling image she presents to…
Michael H. Hart The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History
The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History is a 1978 book by Michael H. Hart. It is a ranking of the 100 people who most influenced human history. Since publication the book has been hotly debated and its concept widely copied. It is important to note that Dr. Hart ranked the…
Photo of the Day
Pakistani Sunni Muslim devotees returned home on a packed train after attending an annual three-day religious congregation in Multan, Pakistan.
Do Islam, Christianity, and Judaism have different Origins?
No. Muslims believe that the original, unchanged message given to Muhammad, Jesus, Moses and all other prophets came from the One same God. This common origin explains their similarities in many beliefs and values. “Say: We Believe in God and what has been revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael and…
Muslim Univ. Takes Root in Berkeley, California
By Karina Ioffee, Reuters BERKELEY, Calif – A pioneering U.S. Muslim university has quietly opened in California, aiming to counter hatred and distrust for Islam Although the first class has just 15 students and occupies a rented office space blocks from the University of California campus, Zaytuna College aims to become the first accredited…
Mike Tyson performs Umrah
Former heavyweight champion Mike Tyson holds talks with Dr. Muhammad Al-Oqala, president of the Islamic University in Madinah. (AN photo by Yousuf Muhammad) By YOUSUF MUHAMMAD | ARAB NEWS MADINAH: Former boxing champion Mike Tyson, who embraced Islam while serving a prison sentence in the 1990s, is on his first visit to the Kingdom…
Menace of Religious Fanaticism – Disu Kamor
“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and fair exhortation, and argue with them in the best way possible. Your Lord surely knows best who has gone astray from His way, and He knows best who are the rightly guided” (Qur’an 16:125) A religious fanatic at the University of Ibadan (UI), Miss Seun…